15 – 20 years
The final two life cycle points target those boys and young men who have dis engaged from education, training and employment and are involved in anti social behaviour, crime, drug abuse, often all of these things, facing multi deprivation. Their future life paths are likely to be lives of poverty, disadvantage, crime and/or prison.
The Ventoring service supports the boys and young men by engaging with them through forming relationships which they trust, this can take a while as their experience often before our involvement has been a lack of positive role models, negative relationships with adults and agencies, professionals, lack of guidance.
Once we have tackled this and gained trust, our workers form a mentoring relationship which includes practical and emotional support. This means being there for them and not giving up on them, helping with housing , benefits, training and employment opportunities, family issues, to name a few. WWM either engage through outreach in the neighbourhood, ‘word of mouth referrals’, or from other agencies eg probation, police, YOTS.