Our father’s development work does two things, through one to one work, using a casework model, meeting regularly and attending to all issues facing young fathers, from no income, unsuitable
housing, possible drug use, poor relations with the mother of their child, we help them sort their lives out so they can focus on being involved fathers, with positive input into their children’s
lives. The fathers are engaged through outreach work on the streets and referrals from those agencies that the young fathers come into contact with, such as YOT’s, Job Centres, voluntary sector
projects working with drug/alcohol abuse, midwifery, Health Visitors, Family Nurse Partnerships. This work is part of the Talent Match programme, a national programme funded by Big Lottery, who
granted London Youth the money to co ordinate across London. WWM formed a partnership with Gingerbread and Barnardos to deliver through one of the specialist strands for NEET young parents, so our
work with young fathers in Southwark, Croydon and Greenwich is part of Talent Match. Talent Match nationally is for NEET Young people aged 18 to 24 years who are entrenched in a NEET
We also work in Children’s Centres, supporting staff there to develop ways of attracting young fathers into the centres as well as running support services ourselves from the centres. For further information contact WWM or see our fathers development projects page.